Welcome to my home on the Web!
Okay, I'm having to start from scratch so hang on while I redo this page. I lost everything in a crash on the server (not their fault, things happen) and I wasn't smart enough to back it up on my computer *L* I know better now! You do learn something everyday *L* Funny when I help on a page for others I always keep a copy but for me I let it go! *L* Go figure! This page will be updated at least every 60 days so check back and see the changes. *S*
Okay so I haven't been back for awhile. *L* I am thinking about doing something on California. I need to find a GOOD map of CA and then use some sort of image maping tool so it can have clickables that send you to different parts of that state. You know telling you all about the history and places and things to do there. I think that will be cool, but what do I know! *L* Oh, incase you are wondering...yes I am from CA. *G*
Links Page
California Facts